Originated from "splits" on porcelain of song dynasty | Art Hong Kong, Jan/Feb 2016
Adriana Varejão with Lee Ann Norman | Brooklyn Rail, June 2021
Adriana Varejão Looks Beneath The Surface | Ocula, 1 June 2021
Let's retire the term 'people of color' | Los Angeles Times, April 28, 2019
A estréia de Adriana Varejão em Salvador, sua cidade-musa | O GLOBO, April 19, 2019
Ruínas de carne de Adriana Varejão espelham o drama barroco da Bahia | Folha de S. Paulo, April 17, 2019
Estética Plural | A TARDE, April 15, 2019
Walls with Incisions à la Fontana by Adriana Varejão | ELEPHANT, April 22, 2018
Adriana Varejão and the Mestizo Mind | GAGOSIAN Whitewall, September 27, 2017
Diálogo por sobre o oceano | O GLOBO, September 02, 2017
Pelle blu | FLAIR, November 2016
Ricreare, creare | Vogue Italy, October 2016
Adriana Varejão Brings Contemporary Baroque to Rome, Eternal City | Artnet news, October 7, 2016
Interview: Adriana Varejão| ELEPHANT, 28 September 2016
Waves of Dark History Break on an Olympic Pool | The New York Times, July 13, 2016
Chama Olímpica percorre obras de arte do Instituto Inhotim | Rio 2016, May 16, 2016
Rio Artist Adriana Varejão on Her Olympic Commission and New York Show | Artsy, April 22, 2016
Territórios transmutados | Bamboo, November 2015
Adriana Varejão: Fundação Edson Queiroz | ARTFORUM, October 30, 2015
Originated from "splits" on porcelain of song dynasty | Art Hong Kong, Jan/Feb 2016
Essential | Ming Pao Weekly, October 17, 2015
Adriana Varejão on the porcelain of song dynasty: they depend on the cosmos | Art Bazaar China, 2015
Adriana Varejão | Art. 289, November 2015
Adriana Varejão e as miscigenações | Harper's Bazaar Brasil, Sep-Oct 2015
Adriana Varejão | ARTNEWS, April 2015
Prêmio faz a diferença 2014 | O GLOBO, Segundo Caderno, November 29, 2014
Portrait of an artist | Vanity Fair on Art , November 2014
Adriana Varejão Carnivorous| Art Review, September 2014
Barroco Tropical | Folha de S. Paulo, August 18, 2014
Stunning Self-Portraits Make You Think Twice About Interracial Identity In South America |The Huffington Post, April 2014
The girl from Ipanema |Porter Magazine, April 2014
Adriana Varejão: Tentáculos e cores de uma artista |O GLOBO, April 03, 2014
Adriana Varejão | Elephant Magazine, Autumn 2013
La Gran Ilusionista| La Nacion Revista, 2013
Ensayo general sobre lo barroco | Diario Perfil, May 19, 2013
Arte Varejão en Malba| Diario La Nación, March 08, 2013
Viceral: mar em fúria | L'Officiel Brasil, february 2013
Sou uma operária da pintura | O GLOBO, January 16th 2013
Adriana Varejão: Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo (MAM SP) | ARTFORUM, November 22, 2012
Desnudamento do Brasil| Revista Bravo! October, 2012
Mostra no MAM revisita a carreira de Adriana Varejão | Folha de São Paulo, September 01, 2012
VOO SOLO | Harper's Bazaar Brasil, August, 2012
Autorretrato como mestiça | Revista ISTOÉ, August 31, 2012
Adriana Varejão e sua tão aguardada individual | DASartes, June, 2012
Adriana Varejão por Guilherme Bueno | DASartes, 2012
Adriana Varejão and Jac Leirner: the carioca and the paulista |Art in America, September 2012
Fluid Dynamics: Carol Armstrong on the art of Adriana Varejão | ARTFORUM, January 2012
Ten Brazilian Artists to Meet | 10 Magazine, Spring 2012
Artist of the week 155: Adriana Varejão| The Guardian, 15 September 2011
Contemporary art: The market sprawls | The economist, February 18, 2011
Exhibitions: Pick of the week | The Guardian, 2011
Adriana Varejão La Vénus d' O Brasil | Point de Vue, 2008
Adriana Varejão| Pen with New Attitude, 2007
Sauna Lírica | O Globo, April 23, 2006
Adriana Varejão: Presencia de la pintura | Art Nexus, December, 1999